Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thanks my friends..

Warning this may sound really cheesy and girly....

       Whenever I am in need of advice or need a shoulder to cry on I can always count on two people every time, they help me so much even in their little ways. This year my mind been more "insecure" and the thing is I have no clue, it not just about me thinking I'm ugly, its me thinking, "Oh I'll never go to collage, I'm dumb as a rock." and the judgement of others affect me more. Though I been happier then I was in the past I notice the two has kinda been my "rock" and I don't know if that is a bad thing.... I am able to be alone and take care of myself don't worry about that, it just my emotional problem that get to me, maybe it's just PMSing or overly stressed but it nice to know that there's people who care about my well-beings.

     Chy has been my in my life since 7th grade but we became best friends in the middle/ending of 8th grade, recently I notice that she as in her voice is the one that's in my head.... I find that really creepy, but anywhoozie she's the most non-judging person I ever met, I mean I can tell her everything that happened in my life without worrying that she would overly judge (little judgement is okay) and she may teased me but we know when to stop. She listens and out of any of my friends she actually gives me feedback even if she knows I won't like that she puts her opinion in a nice way. I think she would do well as a social worker because she is great with people's mind and getting them to see things in a positive  way showing them a the light.

       Then there's my boyfriend, I'm not gonna post his name because I know he doesn't like his name on the internet and I respect that. It hasn't been too long that he came into my life, I met him in 8th grade when he was dating my friend, then maybe 6-7 months later he and I started seeing each other until freshmen year, then again this summer.He may not know it but he helped me a lot in this very week when I was crying over my grade and worrying that I may fail. Just being in the same room helped me calm down, and in the process he manged to reduce my stress by helping me with my chores. I still feel guilty for letting him clean the kitchen and dragging him into my math class about four time, and having him put up with me crying like twice this week..... He one of the few guys I know that cares if I'm okay, and it seem like I can rarely get upset when he's with me. Though it's tougher for me to explain some of my emotional/mental issue I have, to him vs Chy, I don't know why.... I do however try to open up to him and sadly he may knows more about me then I do myself and all of my friends! 

       I want to thank the two, even though they may never read my blog. I want them to know how happy I am that I have them in my life, and thank you guys for always being there for me even in my worse state of mind!  I just wish I could help you two when y'all upset.......
And I'm sorry for this cheesy and girly blog umm blood, death, sadness, umm ummm? Yeah? *Run away*

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